Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Great Philosophers Who Didn't Have Their Shit Together

So, as you may be able to tell, I don’t even have my shit together to an extent to actually post on this blog in a timely manner. Ah! Resolutions! But it occurs to me, that I’m not the only one who didn’t have their shit together. 

So, I’m staying with my friend C and she has an extensive library of awesome books. One struck my eye: Great Philosophers who Failed at Love. Which great philosophers you may ask? Pretty much all of them. I remember taking philosophy in college (what what Dr. Kane and Dr. Solomon) and not thinking at all about how these big brains were as people. And really, the thing that’s killing me is how many of them failed at life, not just love. 

It seems to me, that it’s much harder to listen to these people’s big ideas about life when you realize that they were total toolboxes*. Heidegger was a Nazi? WTF? What kind of philosophy gets you there? Nietzche went totally nuts from syphilis and had a psychotic break which lasted 11 years? Talk about a superman.
Does this all just supports Lisa Simpson’s stance on intelligence: 

(Lisa Simpson, The Simpsons, episode 257, 
January 7, 2001).

Maybe it’s just a reminder to live life outside of your brain. 

Of course it also makes me feel better. Maybe I’m not working to my full potential, but I’m also not currently being poisoned by a witch. I have that going for me. And in most cases, probably so do you.
*Toolbox: someone who is so much of a tool, that they have the strength of an entire toolbox.


  1. Well, I hope he at least had fun getting the syphilis. :) Maybe it was from the girl he and Freud liked but Freud escaped since he was still orally fixated. Sorry for crudeness... Either way, I've heard that Lisa Simpson's graph could be modified whereby the worse one's memory is, the happier one is. Dori from finding Nemo seemed to be generally happier than Nemo's dad and I think Chuangtzu lived out an okay life, pondering the happiness of short term memory fish with his confused friends..... :)Funny topic. :) Happy Birthday again!!!! Funny commemoration actually too. :)

  2. Did you actually cite the Simpsons picture?!? Hilarious! Looking forward to traveling with you on your journey.
